This whole grilled cheese sandwich phenomenon is beyond me. I love cheese on toast or toasted sarnies as much as the next girl (if not more), but why would anyone pay $28,000 for a ten-year-old one, even if it does have a vague image that may or may not look like the Virgin Mary on it? It's all getting a bit out of hand - if you search on eBay for grilled cheese now, you come up with Virgin Mary grilled cheese memorabilia (framed print anyone?), cds of original music inspired by the grilled cheese phenomenon, fresh grilled cheese sandwiches blessed by a priest, and more t-shirts than you can shake a stick at. Weird. Somebody somewhere is making a fortune out of all this...
Returning to the slightly more real world, the Vieux Boulogne has been named the world's smelliest cheese. Can't say I've ever tried it, but next time I'm in France I'll definitely try and sniff one out (sorry, never could resist bad puns. Blame the editor in me...)