
25th January=Burns Night

=haggis! (Although, sadly not a Macsween one this year.) And neaps, tatties and the rest of the works too, of course. And probably some whisky somewhere along the line, I would guess. Tonight I'm also going to try out crannachan for pudding for the first time. It sounds a doddle. Anything that involves blending a few raspberries and whipping a bit of cream can't be that hard. Will report back later (maybe even with some photos, if you're lucky).


Blogger BiScUiTs said...

Now I am hungry. I want battered haggis. It's probably a huge culinary faux pas to batter haggis, but never mind.

9:52 pm  
Blogger rach said...

Not sure I could stomach battered haggis. Although you could then have mushy peas with it, which would be good, as they're the best part of fish and chips...

4:25 pm  

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